Reviewed By You: Exploring

Hello Penguins,

Happy Earth Day! Last week the team asked if you were doing something to help the enviremont. I bet you all did something great. 😀 Many of you had great comments. So here’s an awesome comment from Igloogirl3:

Next week I am going to try my best to help our environment, because it is very important! I already have ideas – saving electricity by turning off the lights, picking up rubbish that has fallen on the ground, and saving water! But of course, I think Earth Day should be EVERY day, so we can look forward to our Earth lasting longer so our future generations can enjoy it!

Awesome Igloogirl3!

This Earth Day we got a special visit from Captain Rockhopper! Soo it got Billybob thinking if pirates sail around a lot on a ship, they probably see lots of land and water! And land and water is part of the earth, so Captain Rockhopper probably knows a lot about Erth Day! So Billybob wants to know…If you were a pirate, where on earth would you explore?  

Post your answer on Reviewed By You/CP blog.

Until then…Waddle on!

-Cooly 8880

Facts about Rockhopper and Yarr

Arggh me matey,

Today I be tellin’ some facts about ye’ captain Rockhopper. Don’t forget our party today be at 12:00 PST, 3:00 EST. We be hopin’ to see ya there. Anyways me mateys, today we be tellin’ some facts about ye’ old Captain Rockhopper. I be sailin’ with him for quite a while now! Our wonderful Captain Rockhopper be ashore Club Penguin Island. Arggh, I bet ye’ never know Captain Rockhopper built the Migrator with is bare flippers. Ye’ know once the Migrator crashed and the Aqua Grabber was made to find the sunken ship? That be very hard matey! Did ye’ know that Yarr is Captain Rockhoppers best matey? Now let’s be tellin some about Yarr! He won’t be losin’ he spotlight. I bet ye’ didnt know that Yarr got his name from everytime Captain Rockhopper yelled out “Yarr!” His puffle, Yarr be answerin’ every single time. Here’s a fact ye’ didnt know about me. I be a personal friend of Rockhopper. Last year, this be a true story! I caught Rockhopper with me one eye. I followed him and me said “I know where Yarr is!” “Ya do?” Captain Rockhopper answered. Me led him down into the mine. I then pointed into a hole. “It says in the newspaper many puffles are trapped in there” I said. He replied “Ye’ have any puffle o’s?” I answered “No”, but suddenly I realized me worked at the pet shop sometimes! I be very good with puffles. So I then answered “Yes” and I took out me pet shop costume and got to work Suddenly Yarr come runnin out. I like to tell stories like Captain Rockhopper. That be it for today mateys.

Waddle on!

-Cooly 8880


Hello penguins,

Today I was thinking since we brought back our site we should have a party. And also, yes we will be getting the Rockhopper tracker. =P Sorry if you were worried about that. So, here’s all the party info:

Date: April 22, 2011

Time: 3:00 EST

Server: Ice Box, my igloo (Cooly 8880 on map)

Hope you can come!!!!

-Cooly 8880

Earth Day Party!

Hello Penguins!

As you know,  the Earth Day Party has begun. I hope you’re all enjoying it! Also, the scavenger hunt this time is for Easter. So, we’re going to tell you all the answers!

Rjse1 version:

1st egg go to the dojo click on the small tree in the corner like the one is coolys pic

2nd egg go to the dock and click the rock like in coolys pic above

3rd egg go to the forest and look in the bottom right corner and you’ll see a yellow sphere click it

4th egg go to the pool and click the rope and life preserver

5th egg go to the out side of the mine shack and look in the trees

6th egg go to the attic and you’ll see the egg in the corner

7th egg go to the mountain and the egg is by the slope on the left its easy to spot

8th and final egg go to the snow forts make it snow and then there will be an egg in the bottom left corner  then collect your prize it should be a background

-Cooly 8880 and Rjse1

Secret Agents Only: Herbert Knows Our Plan!

Hello penguins,

Today we recieved a new message from Herbert. Herbert now knows that we know the protobot’s plan! THANKS A LOT ROOKIE!!! Just kidding. Here’s the message from Herbert:

It says: So you know Protobot’s plan, eh? The plan I’d have to be CRAZY to support? You enviremont protecting fools better keep an eye on the trees.”

As Billybob said, there would have been a little something extra he can’t spoil. All agents should probably keep an eye on the trees. Something just might be happening to them!

Until then…Waddle on!

-Cooly 8880

Secret Agents Only: Message from Jet Pack Guy

Hello Penguins!

Today we recieved a call on our spy phones from the Jet Pack Guy! Here it is:

It says: *Closed Channel-channel secure- Rookie, you can’t reveal stuff like that! Now Herbert knows we know his plan.

Jet Pack Guy’s Right! Rookie can get a little clumzy but that’s ok. We all make mistakes right?

Until then..waddle on!

-Cooly 8880

P.S. Rjse1 please try and post a little more. Thanks =]

Reviewed By You: Earth Day!

Hello penguins,

Last week the Club Penguin Team mentioned they would be celebrating animals for this Earth Day! So, they asked about your favorite animals. Lots of awesome comments, I loved them all! 😀 Animals from bats to wolves to…uh that’s strange, Unicorns! Uh ok, very strange, I thought that unicorns were mythical creatures!

Here was an awesome and interesting choice from Deception1:

My favorite animal of all time is a manatee. I love how they’re so gentle, and they look so cuddly! Manatees are very sweet, and I would love one! Manatees are nicknamed “sea-cows”, because they are vegetarians and eat lots of grass and sea-plants. In my dreams, I don’t ride on backs of dolphins, I ride on magnificent manatees, decked out in gold and jewels!

Can I say something? WOW!

That was awesome Deception1!

For this weeks Reviewed By You, Billybob and the Club Penguin Team asked to hear about you’re Earth Day plans, I know I’m going green! I hope you do something to help the enviremont. Let CP know in a comment on the blog:

Until then..Waddle on!

-Cooly 8880


Yes, the rumors are true. Rccp Cheats is coming back. We took a break over summer vacation which ruined our site. We will not do it this time. We made a PollDaddy poll and we got Yes, 100%. Rccp Cheats will be coming back. Some work on the site must be done  first and it will then be re-opened immediately. What really brought us back, was our outstanding views! We will be making a new blog, same site, and most of all new fans and fame. Each week we will pick one of our biggest fans to be a blogger on the site for a week.  Thanks for reading, you’ve made our day!

Bringing back rccpcheats??? You decide